Cable and x force
Cable and x force

cable and x force

There’s a lot of fresh starts in Marvel NOW, and this no exception. However, the problem I have is that I just don’t have a clear idea of what is going on. I like the voices he gives to Cable, Hope, Dr Nemesis and Domino, and there’s a nice tongue in cheek quality that acknowledges some of the more ridiculous aspects of Cable’s past. Now, I like Dennis Hopeless, he’s a great writer of characters. As the issue continues Hope tracks Cable down and discovers that he is suffering from inexplicable headaches (hence bringing Dr Nemesis on board, the leading expert in freaky brain science) and strange visions, which appear to be coming true. The issue then flashes back to a few days earlier, where we see Cable listening in on his adopted daughter Hope, in a foster home and living a normal life in the wake of ‘Avengers Vs. Nemesis, resisting arrest and escaping Havok’s Uncanny Avengers at the scene of what is seemingly a terrorist attack on a residential area. The book opens with Cable and his new X-Force, consisting of Colossus, Domino and Dr. ‘Cable and X-Force’ picks up from the aftemath of last year’s ‘Avengers: X-Sanction’ miniseries with Cable now purged of the techno-organic virus that has plagued him his whole life (apart from when it didn’t, back around the end of his first solo book and the start of ‘Cable and Deadpool’), and he’s… Well, I can’t really tell.

cable and x force

What interested me was Dennis Hopeless, whose work on ‘X-Men: Season One’ I was big fan of, and former ‘Invincible Iron Man’ artist Salvador Larroca. So it certainly wasn’t Cable’s return that intrigued me about ‘Cable and X-Force’.

cable and x force

I was an X-Men kid back in the 90’s, but my exposure to X-Force came later first with Craig Kyle & Chris Yost’s post-’Messiah War’ run, and then Rick Remender’s incredible ‘Uncanny X-Force’.

Cable and x force